UNAIDS took the lead on World AIDS Day campaigning from its creation until 2004. From 2004 onwards the World AIDS Campaign’s Global Steering Committee began selecting a theme for World AIDS Day in consultation with civil society, organizations and government agencies involved in the AIDS response.
The theme for 2010 Worlds AIDS Day is “Light for Rights.”
The Light for Rights campaign strives to underscore this year’s focus on HIV and human rights by encouraging people in cities around the world to dim the lights on key landmarks to remember the devastating affect AIDS has had on us all, and to turn the lights back on to illuminate the fundamental human rights we all share but that are often denied people living with HIV.
Ø 33 million people now live with HIV/AIDS. Two million are under age 15.
Ø Everyday 7,397 people contract HIV-308 every hour.
Ø In 2008, 2.0 million people died from AIDS.
Ø More than 2/3 of all people living HIV, 22 million, live in sub-Saharan Africa-including 90% of the world’s HIV-positive children.
Ø Globally, men who have sex with men are 19 times more likely to be infected with HIV than the general population.
Ø Worldwide, women make up half of all people living with HIV.
Ø Approximately 1.1 million people in the US are living with HIV/AIDS.
Ø An estimated 56,300 new HIV infections occurred in the US in 2006.
Ø African Americans accounted for 46% of new HIV infections diagnosed in 2006, although they comprise only 12% of the population.
Ø Men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 53% of all HIV/AIDS cases diagnosed in 2006. A third of these MSM were younger than 30 years old.
Ø The number of women living with HIV in the US has tripled in the last two decades; by 2005, 26% of people living with HIV were women.
Sources: UNAIDS, AIDS Epidemic Update, 2009; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; amfAR, MSM , HIV, and the Road to Universal Access-How Far Have we Come? August 2008.
Learn more about WORLD AIDS Day and the impact that HIV/AIDS has had on our world by going to http://www.worldaidscampaign.org/